Tuesday, May 7, 2013

so much black and white + 100th post

I don't know what has happened to me; I've always been a color kind of gal. But lately, -- and by lately I mean the past six months -- I have been on a black and white kick. And though I'm loving it, I'm showing color in 4-H this year, so I have a mountain of black and white photos that I don't know what to do with. {Not to mention that these are all taken with my phone -- my SLR is currently out of commission. But hey, when life gives you Apples you take slightly blurry/grainy pictures and try to make the most of it.} 

Which do you prefer? Black and white, or color? 

~ Abby

p.s. i just now noticed that all of these are of children. is that weird? i guess i have a lot of random kids running around in my life. so i photograph them. okay.

p.p.s. blogger tells me that this is my 100th post, apparently. geez louise, i need to get a hobby. also i am embarassed of about 95 of my blogs.  I REGRET NOTHING!!!

p.p.p.s if you follow me on flickr, you've probably already seen these. sorry folks. 


Jordan Eaks said...

I love all of these! Ha ha I have been on a black and white kick too. :)I have to force myself to edit in color.

Abby said...

Thanks girls! Jordan, I know what you mean... Judging this year is going to be interesting.

Unknown said...

LOVE these photos! Also, I'm at my like... 500th post on blogger. So, it's totally fine. Blogging IS a hobby! And, don't ever be embarrassed about your posts. People care about what you have to say and what you care about. That's the beauty of blogging.